Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Unequal Distribution of Wealth Essay - 792 Words

First and foremost, Adam Smith was very conscious of how the wealth was unequally distributed amongst the poor versus the wealthy, and how and if this distribution continued it would leave the poor at a disadvantage, in the sense they will never have the opportunity to move ahead and will always be at the mercy of those who possessed more wealth. Mr. Smith viewed economics contrarily than the mercantilist. Compared to the days of old, the views of economics and mercantilism based wealth on the amount of gold and silver the nation provided, and how the import of goods from other countries would adversely affect the wealth of a country, as the reality was, trade was notably one-sided, it only benefited the seller and not the buyer, and it†¦show more content†¦Smith’s â€Å"invisible hand† most certainly distributed wealth unequally. His belief; was derived by the thought of unequal distribution of wealth was necessary, in order for the nation to function as it sh ould. He felt that if wealth was regulated in any kind of way, people wouldn’t have a reason to want to learn, seek new opportunities or open new businesses if there was a set amount of wealth. It has been proven Adam Smith at times would contradict himself, it didn’t mean he didn’t know what he was talking about, it simply meant he was desperate to find everyone a better way of life, this is an every growing problem even in today’s society, trying to keep a balance between classes without harming one economic class versus another. (Smith, 1776). Adam Smith’s beliefs of inequality always was a point of discussion, he may have had a different type of delivery but nevertheless the message was always the same. As we compare Adam Smith’s era with today’s period, inequality is on a much larger scale than it ever was in Mr. Smith’s days, and the main reason is because of the growth of Globalization. Mr. Smiths fundamental approach to economic development and satisfying everyone’s wants and needs cannot be considered in todays world. Trying to make an effort to show how the division of labor would satisfy the basic needs is no longer practical when we realize that today a great portion of our salaries are going towards health care and housing. The power to putShow MoreRelatedUnequal Distribution Of Wealth1477 Words   |  6 PagesThe unequal distribution of wealth has always been a huge problem that has plagued society throughout the ages. As forms of governments of each nation have changed, the u nequal distribution of wealth has remained a constant. Even in Communist countries, which were supposed to eliminate this problem by abolishing the private ownership of land, the unequal distribution of wealth was still a problem in their society. It is difficult for society as a whole to make advancements, because of the unequalRead MoreUnequal Distribution of Wealth Essay1487 Words   |  6 Pagesthe country’s wealth. Wealth can be defined as a person’s assets and monetary gains. This unequal distribution has caused numerous economic and geographical problems, such as how resources are divided among countries, how developed or industrialized a country is in relation to wealth distribution and the wide spread of disease and lack of medical attention due to an absence of money. In this paper I will address the negative and positive aspects associated with wealth distribution. I will explainRead MoreUnequal Distribution Of Wealth, Unethical Behavior949 Words   |à ‚  4 PagesBesides unequal distribution of wealth, unethical behavior may arise due to imbalance knowledge. Asymmetric information is perceived to be the root of unethical behavior (Kolb, 2008). 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Segregation in The Color Purple Essay examples - 464 Words

In the film â€Å"The Color Purple†, segregation plays an important role and the differences between black people and white people are shown through race and life. The Color Purple focuses on the lives of several African American women who are faced with abuse, violence, and cruelty. The fim is set in Macon County Georgia and there are two main characters’ Celie and her sister Nettie. Celie is the character the movie is centered around and she is also the film’s narrator. The story is based on Celie’s life and the many different issues along the way that she has encountered such as being raped by her father over and over again, abused by her father and forced into marriage at fourteen to another abusive man†¦show more content†¦Celie was beaten and raped so much that she become so used to not fighting back or even crying. Celie was always a religious person and someone who refused to lose faith even through all the violent things she had endured. She always talks to God asking him to give her strength. From the moment Celie walks into Mister’s house she is expected to clean, cook, raise his kids, and have sex with him whenever he chooses. Along the way Celie meets two women who support her and constantly remind her that she is worth more than she thinks and that she does not deserve the live that she is living with Albert. As more time passes by Celie finally begins to realize her self that she does not have to continue living her life in constant fear and violence and she builds the courage to leave Albert. From there on everything starts to come together for Celie and her loved ones while Albert looses everything he has. Albert eventually realizes how cruel he has treated Celie and what a terrible person he has been his whole life, he finally does something to make Celie happy and he uses all the money he has saved to bring Nettie back to reunite with Celie. I enjoyed this film because it has a real story behind it and is something I can relate to as a women and also can relate to the characters from the film. While watching the film is almost feels as if it isShow MoreRelatedEssay on Plant Genetics Labpaq679 Words   |  3 Pagescomparing only one trait color. We are also showing Mendel’s law of segregation with a Dihybrid cross comparing two traits of color and texture. Introduction Three purposes: 1. To predict the genetic frequency off offspring. 2. To predict the outcomes of genetic crosses using punnett squares. 3. Statistically analyze the results of a genetic cross. Hypothesis: 1. Monohybrid cross—Predict that 75% of the tobacco seeds will sprout and that green 80% will be the dominant color. 2. Dihybrid cross---InRead MoreAnalysis Of Gregor Mendel s The Mid 1800 S1182 Words   |  5 Pagesto rest. Mendel did experiments on two different colored pea plants. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Market Analysis †Sony Bravia Free Essays

Sony Bravia In the Australian Marketplace â€Å"Colour like No Other† Executive Summary Introduction Summary: This report will articulate purchases of the Sony Bravia Television in the Australian marketplace. It will illustrate information to develop an in-depth understanding of the consumers buying habits. The research for this report includes information sourced from the Sony website itself, interpreted and applied to the Australian Marketplace. We will write a custom essay sample on Market Analysis – Sony Bravia or any similar topic only for you Order Now Body Summary: The major findings indicate there are various factors affecting the Australian marketplace. Overcoming a major threat is possible by utilising Sony’s strengths to maintain relevance in the Australian Marketplace. Conclusion/Recommendation Summary: It is clear that overtime, Sony will experience a variety of threats and weaknesses, that will jeopardise the success of the company. This report recommends that Sony maximises its strengths to continue creating innovative technology, to continue its perception of one of Australia’s premium television producers. Table of Contents Executive Summary2 Introduction4 Purpose4 Authorisation4 Scope4 Background4 Environmental Scan6 Economic influences:6 Demographic influences6 Competitive influences:7 Political influences:7 Social/Cultural:8 Technological influences8 S. W. O. T analysis9 Conclusion12 Reference list14 Introduction Purpose This report aims to present an accurate investigation of Sony Bravia in the Australian marketplace, and to provide recommendations for the development of the company’s success. Authorisation This report is authorised by Anne Tonkin, TAFE SA, and written by Lynden Beck, a student of Anne Tonkin. Scope This report relates only to the Sony Bravia television, within the Sony Company and attempts to draw links to further development of understanding the Australian market place. Background In 1944, Mr. Akio Morita, an officer in the Japanese Navy worked with Mr. Masaru Ibuka, on a military task designing heat seeking missiles. After World War II, Morita and Ibuka maintained their friendship, and founded the corporate brand known as Sony. Sony was created on the shared belief that it could create ideas from imagination and make them a reality. The main objective of Sony was to create innovative products that would excite their customers. Sony is now one of the world’s leading producers of home entertainment systems with major interests in consumer electronics. Today, Sony has a vision to celebrate life that is expressed through advertisements. A vision articulates the focus and direction of an organisation. Sony’s vision states: â€Å"Creativity is our essence, we take chances, we exceed expectations, we help dreamers’ dream†. This statement expresses Sony’s want to satisfy their customers. Sony focuses on delivering a luxury experience which can only be experienced through their product. Sony Market Analysis Environmental Scan Economic influences: * The Financial Crisis of 2007- 08, is considered by many economists to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 20th Century. The effect of the crisis on Australia has been considerably less than in many other countries, however the effects on households are still present today. The Financial Crisis reduced the income of Australia by nearly 10% by March 2009. Furthermore, the Australian consumer is expected to save 21% more of its income during 2012-13. The Australian economy predicted less likely to purchase luxury items, such as a Sony Bravia television. * The ‘Household Assistance Package’ introduced by the Federal government in May 2012, is a key part of the clean energy future plan. This Government subsidy is designed to provide financial support to the middle class Australian householders in the introduction of the Carbon tax. Demographic influences * The demographic of the population consists of consumers who seek a premium product. The demographic of Bravia owners are, due to its pricing, of a higher socioeconomic group causing the Bravia to be seen as a status symbol. Sony Bravia offers ‘Colour like No Other’, implying exclusivity. * Sony Bravia’s typical target audience are consumers who are aware of the company’s material sources and sustainability policies, as well as their not-for-profit work in the community. Competitive influences: * Samsung, LG and Panasonic are well-known competitors of Sony. Each offering similar applications on televisions. Therefore companies must compete with customer service; this includes warranty lengths, replacement guarantees, prompt repair or replacement, to establish loyal customers. * Whilst cheaper televisions have less features they still appeal to consumers due to the low prices, putting pressure on the larger companies to compete for sales. Political influences: * The introduction of ‘Minimum wage’ has affected the international mployees of Sony working in sweat shops or factories, due to the increase of the minimum wage Sony will have to pay more taxes. In addition, Sony must increase prices of products to maintain a certain profit rate. * Sony large screen televisions cost 30% more in China than they do in Australia. Tariffs on the importation of Sony products manufactured in China which then arrive in Australia help with inflated prices. Social/Cultural: * Sony puts particular emphasis on the cultural nature of its consumers. Sony is a premium product with premium prices, and is therefore seen as a status symbol amongst eastern and western cultures. Generally, only wealthy Australians can afford a Sony Bravia. * Today’s culture places more value on experience rather than materialistic possessions. Sony Bravia overcomes this desire by creating an experience that offers ‘Colour like No Other’. This television offers both an experience, and a possession. Technological influences * Technology is rapidly advancing; causing electronic products to be out dated regularly. Sony must be innovative with its products to maintain its competitive edge. LED televisions consist of a display that uses LED backlighting instead of the cold cathode fluorescent backlighting used by LCD televisions. LED televisions reduce energy consumption, produce better contrast in brightness and a greater colour range. * As 3D products are becoming more common at homes Sony intends to increase sales of 3D televisions, by 50% of their respective television distributions by 2012. S. W. O. T analysis A S. W. O. T analysis is a tool used to analyze the internal and external factors affecting a company. It is one of the most commonly used business analysis and decision-making tools. In this report, a S. W. O. T analysis will be used to examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Sony Australia. Strengths | Weaknesses | Opportunities | Threats | Creative catch phrase: ‘Colour like no other’. | High price can deter buyers. (smaller target audience)| Strong corporate brand Sony can be identified for many things. | Environmental concerns, high cost in running electronic products. | Strong status symbol, Sony is a premium product, and a luxury item. | Due to faulty wiring, the Sony Bravia was recalled between 2007-08| Age of technology, televisions have come from being a luxury to a household necessity. | Product confusion. Consumers unable to differentiate brands. | Technologically advanced. The Bravia television with high resolution 4 times any other HD T. Vs| Sony unable to provide premium customer service, due to high traffic visiting store. | Sony strives to employ diverse people to ensure the company achieves innovation and a wide range of skills. | Emphases on experiences rather than materialistic objects, such as expensive televisions. | Product features: ‘Your Presence is Needed’ app, which allows the TV to turn off once it senses the viewer has left. | Sony Bravia is not distributed into stores such as K-Mart and Big-W. Creating less impulse buyers. Changing Technologies Sony is investing in improving 3D capabilities and additional smart TV apps. | Global Financial crisis. The Australian consumer is expected to save 21% more of its income during 2012-13. | Sony’s involvement in the community and its participation in charity work. | Fewer adverts on Australian television| Sony Foundation Australia is a not-for-profit charitable organisation. | Carbon tax less money for Australian buyers to spend on high quality televisions. | Sony is able to cater for the Carbon tax through apps that save electricity. | Hard for non-technological people to uses due to extensive applications. Sony supports many initiatives that reduce waste and degradation| Must advertise online if unable the Sony brand may fall behind. | A major threat for Sony is the environmental concerns regarding electronic products. Current social values place emphasis on maintaining sustainability. Sony focusses on improving the energy efficiency of their products by the use of the ‘Minimum Energy Performance Standards’  and ‘Energy Rating’ labels which appear on every electronic item. These help customers consumers choose more efficient appliances and save money on running the products. Sony Australia is enabling and encouraging Australian consumers to recycle batteries. Batteries collected are transported and recycled in a safe, environmental manner. Valuable materials such as cadmium, nickel, iron, cobalt and lead are reclaimed, and are reused as raw materials . Additionally, Sony has created various applications on televisions to save electricity. Motion sensors turn off the back screen when the viewer leaves the room. In overcoming environmental threats faced by Sony, the three strengths listed above suggest the capability to overcome perceived threats. Conclusion This report has analysed the brand, Sony, and in extension, the Sony Bravia product. This report illustrated Political, Social/Cultural, Technological, Economic, Demographic, and Competitive factors that influence success in the Australian marketplace. A S. W. O. T analysis described the company’s strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. It is recommended that Sony maximises its strengths to continue creating innovative technology, to continue its perception of one of Australia’s premium television producers. Reference list * Commonwealth Australia. (2010). The E3 Program – Improving Our Energy Efficiency. Available: http://www. energyrating. gov. au/. Last accessed 26/03/13. * Elliott, M. (Nov. 13, 2006). Akio Morita Masaru Ibuka. Available: http://www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1554986,00. html. Last accessed 25/03/13. * Fung, D . (October 13, 2011). Sony Bravia 40-inch TV models could explode, melt. Available: http://www. cnet. com. au/three-sony-bravia-40-inch-tv-models-could-explode-melt-339324229. htm. Last accessed 14th March 2013. * Hales, S. (May 2010). Sony settles into the premium market with 2012 Bravia range. Available: http://www. connectedaustralia. com/News/BreakingNews/tabid/119/ArticleId/7190/Sony-settles-into-the-premium-market-with-2012-Bravia-range. aspx? dnnprintmode=truemid. Last accessed 14th March 2013. * ING DIRECT. (January 2013). Year of the Saver. Available: http://blog. ingdirect. com. au/2013/02/28/the-year-of-the-saver/. Last accessed 20/03/13. * Make. Believe . (January 2013). Our Vision . Available: http://www. sony. com. au/article/300251/section/sonycompanyoutline. Last accessed 20/03/13.. * Queensland Government . (24 November 2012). Swot Analysis . Available: How to cite Market Analysis – Sony Bravia, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Chinese Parenting Style free essay sample

Amy Chua, a ‘tiger mom’, shared her Chinese parenting style with the public through publishing book and writing article. Her harsh and rigid parenting style raised lots of discussion and concern around the public. They all raise a question- this parenting style can help children to succeed in the future? I think it may not be that easy to raise a child with harsh parenting style. To a large extent, I disagree the harsh parenting style equal a better future of the child. First we have to define what ‘tiger mom’ is. It is a Chinese parenting style that harshly and toughly pushes their children to meet their target or expectation, usually in the aspect of academic. In my opinion, better future includes better physical and mental health, wealth. According to a research which is done by Desiree Baolian Qin, a professor in the department of human development and family studies at Michigan State University, Chinese-American kids were more disadvantageous concerning levels of anxiety and depression and the amount of conflict in their families when comparing European-American kids. We will write a custom essay sample on Chinese Parenting Style or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The parents do not care what their children’s feeling and perception is. The parents use their authority to push their children. There is a high possibility of conflict between different expectation from parents and children. As sometimes parents have high expectation to children, this put large amount of pressure on children. So, it triggers a certain level of anxiety of children. These combination make children become low self- esteem. Although they will become a profession in the future, they have a bad relationship and a negative impression on parents. Also, tough parenting style will affect children’s communication skill that largely relate to better future. Like popular tiger parent Amy Chua, she does not allow her daughter to stay at school to play with friends after school. A key concept of schooling is developing students’ social and communication skills. Parents do not let their children to go out but follow their tied schedule. The children will become not sociable. In workplace, there are not just apply professional skills but also communication and social skills that help people to promote to upper managerial level and work ffectively. Therefore, tiger mom is not equal to a better future. However, a coin has two sides, although Chinese parenting style is very mean, it has certain advantages on children’s future. Focusing on effort but not inherent ability is a feature or advantage of Chinese parenting style. Also, it is the key of distinguishing American and Chinese parenting style. Amy Chua doesn†™t let her kids believe they can’t succeed. The style nurtures the children with inculcating the concept of working hard. It pushes children to limit to attain the goal which is set by their parents. This let the children realize that they can make it when working hard. It gradually develops their self confidence and determination to attain a goal. It is well prepared for future to work with colleagues. He or she will become a hard working and determined person in workplace. These are crucial feature of high position in management level. So, a tiger mom equals a better future in this way. Moreover, although parents giving lots of pressure on children will make the relationship tight, it trains children AQ when living and working under pressure. Adversity Quotient (AQ) is the ability of a person to deal with problems. Chinese parenting style harshly push children to achieve certain goals which is not easy to attain. In this time, children have to think of some ways to cope with the problems to satisfy their parents’ desire. As a result, the skills of problem solving are significant in workplace and also live independently. However, this style will largely effect children emotion when there is high possibility that conflict between children and parents. Even some kids have been diagnosed of mood disorder. This largely affects the relationship between parents and children and causes apparently mentally unhealthy. So, this is a better future for a child. In conclusion, I admit Chinese parenting style improves children ability of problems solving and develops their determination mind that give them a better future and achievement. However, the parenting style is tremendously rigid to a kid that easily harms their esteem and destroys family relationship. It will give a negative memory in their mind, even get an unrecoverable wound in their heart. Even though their future is bright and recognized, they have negative feeling and history in their mind that I am not notice as ‘better future’. Thus, I disagree a tiger mom equals a better future in a small extent. Reference list: http://www. livescience. com/18023-tiger-parenting-tough-kids. html http://www. raisesmartkid. com/all-ages/1-articles/47-authoritarian-strict-parenting-vs-permissive-which-is-better