Saturday, February 15, 2020

Identify qualitative methodology in journal articles and critically Research Paper

Identify qualitative methodology in journal articles and critically review its applicability to the study - Research Paper Example ents were quite appropriate for the study, as capturing the essence of what drives both the management of change and the influence of the processes and systems at two different companies on female workers with varying degrees of education and experience. In order to fully assess different perspectives on these views, the unstructured interview allowed the subjects to freely express their unique experiences and viewpoints regarding the role of women in the workplace and how their roles are defined through different social lenses. Additionally, the unstructured interview, as opposed to the simple survey or questionnaire format, allows the researcher to dig deeper into the human behavioral aspects which drive various decision-making in the workplace. It is a relatively common fact that, from an HR perspective, people have various needs in the professional environment linked to autonomous working conditions and empowerment in order to feel fully valuable to an organization. With this in mind, had this study taken a more quantitative approach, such as the utilization of surveys to locate patterns of behavior at the two workplaces described in the research article, it would have limited the potential of the study by limiting responses to a set series of researcher-designed criteria. For instance, a multi-tick survey instrument, such as a series of questions with potential responses ranging from 1-10 based on personal opinion, might have captured whether specific patterns existed in terms of individual worker pers pectives on the role of women in the workplaces. However, the more behavioral aspects of managing people, such as the soft approach to human resources management where people development is paramount, would be missing from this approach, which justifies this study’s use of the informal interview template to provide for free expression of ideas and unique perspectives. One notable limitation to this study’s design involves its lack of clear objectives: What

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Financial statements interpretation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financial statements interpretation - Essay Example The main reason is that the ratios are simple to calculate. Moreover, they provide a standard for comparison between companies or between the company and the industry in general. They can also be applied to various time periods of the same company and can provide valuable information related to the trend and future prospects (Pendlebury and Groves, 2004). The ratios that are chosen for analyzing VDB Limited include Operating Profit Margin, Return on Assets, Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Average Collection Period, Stock turnover period. The ratios are computed for VDB Limited based on the financial statements provided for the two years. This will provide a base for comparison of the The profit margin is the measure of the company's ability to earn profit from the generated revenue. This is a very important and crucial ratio as this depicts the earning capacity of the company (Samuels et al, 2000). It is clear from the values that the profit margin has declined steeply in 2008 relative to 2007. Though the revenue is much higher in 2008, the purchases and the expenses are relatively higher and hence lesser profits. This ratio measures the income generating ability of the assets. ... This ratio is necessary, since the income or the earnings is given higher importance and a company should not only have high revenues, but should also earn the income from it. The return on assets is computed as Return on Assets = (Net Income / Total Assets) * 100 Profitability 2007 2008 Return on Assets 10.53% 7.89% It is evident that the assets are not being utilized at the same level as that of 2007. The income generating ability of the assets has come down in 2008. iii. Current Ratio: The current ratio is a measure of the company's ability to cover its current liabilities using its current assets (Samuels et al, 2000). It is computed as Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities Ratio 2007 2008 Current Ratio 3.16 2.96 The current ratio is a measure of liquidity and it indicates that VDB Limited is well positioned in terms of liquidity and will be able to cover its liabilities. Though the ratio has reduced in 2008, it is still very substantial and a healthy value. iv. Quick Ratio: The quick ratio is a measure of the company's ability to cover its current liabilities using its liquid assets. The assets included in this ratio are those which can be easily converted to cash (Samuels et al, 2000). It is computed as Quick Ratio = (Current Assets - Inventories) / Current Liabilities Ratio 2007 2008 Current Ratio 1.5 1.48 VDB Limited has sufficient liquid assets to cover the current liabilities. There is no change in the quick ratio in 2008. v. Average Collection Period: The time period (no. of days) taken to collect the receivables is a crucial measure that illustrates the company's ability to collect the debts (Samuels et al, 2000). It is computed as Average Collection Period = (Average (net) Receivables) / Net Sales) *