Monday, July 20, 2020

What Is a Presenting Problem

What Is a Presenting Problem Phobias Print How a Presenting Problem Indicates What Kind of Phobia You Have By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Updated on October 10, 2019 Universal Images Group / Getty Images More in Phobias Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Types To a patient, the presenting problem is the reason youre seeking professional help. To your healthcare provider, the presenting problem is one section of an intake and inquiry form she writes up and saves as part of your medical record. When discussing what you think may be a phobia with your therapist during the initial patient interview, you present your problem to the therapist and she will further assess you to make a diagnosis. Presenting Problem for the Patient If you think your fear of cats, or ailurophobia, interferes with your daily life to such a degree that you need a mental health professional to help you overcome it, your presenting problem is ailurophobia. During your appointment, you share this self-diagnosis, or list of symptoms with your therapist and her job is to determine if your presenting problem is the actual issue. In order to come to a correct diagnosis, the therapist needs additional information provided by you in the form of spoken answers, written explanations, and/or medical tests. Presenting the Problem on Intake and Inquiry Forms A phobia falls under the umbrella of anxiety disorders. If you have an appointment with a therapist to address your phobia, she will fill out the presenting problem section by asking you questions. Standard information on an initial psychological assessment include:    Your description of the presenting problem    Your goals and expectations of therapy    How long youve had the problem    Prior attempts to resolve it When the Presenting Problem Is a Specific Phobia When the presenting problem is a specific phobia, a fear of a specific object or situation, your therapist will ask a series of questions to determine if you have a simple fear or meet the American Psychiatric Associations (APA) criteria for phobia, including:  Does your fear seriously impair your ability to function in your daily life? For example, prevent you from seeking medical care in a timely manner, interfere with your social activities, or cause you to miss work.  Do you feel shortness of breath or heart palpitations in certain situations for no apparent reason?  Do you go out of your way to avoid your fear or endure it under extreme duress? When the Presenting Problem Is a Social Phobia If your presenting problem is a social phobia or social anxiety disorder, you have an intense fear of being scrutinized, embarrassed or humiliated in front of other people. Some of the questions your therapist will ask are similar to specific phobia. Other questions she may ask you include:  Do you develop symptoms in situations when there is a possibility of scrutiny by other people?  Are you afraid of embarrassing or humiliating yourself in front of others?  When you consider your reaction to your fear, is it out of proportion to any real risk? When the Presenting Problem Is Agoraphobia The third type of phobia is agoraphobia, a fear of being unable to escape from a situation or place. This phobia has similar symptoms to the two other types of phobia, so your therapist will need to ask a series of questions to see if your presenting problem is the real issue, including:      Are you afraid to use public transportation?      Do open spaces, such as a shopping mall or parking lot trigger your anxiety response?      Are you afraid to be in an enclosed space, such as a bathroom stall or movie theater?      Does the thought of being out of the house by yourself frighten you?