Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should Pets Be Cloned - 1477 Words

| 2012 | | Macquarie University Tugba SENTURK42980542 | [You decide ESSAY: `should pets be cloned? `] | Tutor` Name: Prof. Helena NEVALAINEN Tutorial Name: CBMS880- Medical and Molecular Biotechnology | Animal cloning is getting popular by scientists day by day after the success of the sheep Dolly which was the first animal clone in the world. Dolly was created effectively by Roslin Instute scientist in Edinburgh (TechNyou) and she was euthanized when she was six year old due to a virus-induced lung tumour (Mott M., 2004). Even though the relevant scientists report that there is no evidence that cloning might be the cause of the disease of Dolly (Mott M., 2004), most of the scientists agree that cloning animals cannot be†¦show more content†¦Most of the cloned animals failed to reach healthy adulthood because of the obesity, anemia, hearth defects, liver fibrosis and respiratory failure (Mott M., 2004). These anomalies associated with failure of the immune system, structural abnormalities of the brain, digestive dysfunction, enteritis and umbilical infections (Can Vet J., 2003). One can argue that cloning the pets might be out of the way of evolution. Wisdom teeth can be used for an example of this. Human kinds had used these teeth to chew grass or tough stuff when they were cavemen. During the time, necessity of these teeth is eliminated and some of the people have never had them or wisdom teeth do not appear properly so, most of the people have a surgery to remove them. This example can be commented as adaptation for the environment and it is necessary for natural selection. Furthermore, child development might be affected of cloning. Children should learn the death to have a strong stance in life and pet cloning is not realistic to understand the real world. There may be some cons however there are also pros of pet cloning especially in the area of protecting endangered species. For example wild dogs or sapsal dog are rare animals and should be protected and preserved so cloning could be a solution for them (Hansen B., 2008). It is argued that the preservation has not been successful and that while their habitat in nature has been keep destroying, cloning endangered species does not makeShow MoreRelatedAnimal Cloning: How Unethical is it? Essays1171 Words   |  5 PagesDid you know that animals are used for testing purposes, such as cloning? Animals are undergoing cloning methods for scientific purposes and are even being brought back to life in the form of a clone in order to please grieving pet lovers. Cloning animals is very unethical and it is a highly controversial topic. Cloning allows for the suffering of animals and it does not create an exact replica of an animal; therefore, it is unethical. In simple terms, cloning an animal is using science to createRead MoreThe Cloning Should Not Be Banned By The Human Body886 Words   |  4 Pagesuterus. 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Secondly, they want to improve the understanding ofRead MorePersuasive Essay On Cloning1445 Words   |  6 Pagesadvance in science? When it’s useful to humans? When humans can start to gain from it? Cloning procedures on plants and animals have been performed since the 1800’s. However, it just recently gained awareness in the 1990’s when Dolly the Sheep was cloned. Cloning is definitely a big advance in science; nonetheless, it can also be a very controversial subject. Cloning is a good thing as long as it is done with the wellbeing of the animals in mind or if it is being done on plants, as it is a breakthroughRead MoreThe Ethical Issues Of Animal Welfare1097 Words   |  5 PagesIn an attempt to ensure that all participants are aware of the ethical issues at stake and can make a valid contribution to the current debate regarding the creation and use of genetically engineered animals; all participants such as veterinarians should take consideration in this technology use. Also, the reflection of society’s values within scientific practice and evolving technology, particularly publicly funded efforts that aims to provide societal benefits. These challenges that come with animalsRead MoreHuman Values And The And Science Impact On Our Health, Lives, Society And Environment2049 Words   |  9 Pagesvalues and the rightness or wrongness of certain developments in life technology and medicine. These days when technology advancement allowed scientist to conduct test which may have â€Å"uncertain† consequences like Cloning. It’s necessary that people should know the pros and cons of such scientific procedures before they support its continued use. (9) Cloning is the process of creating genetically identical copies of biological matter. Cloning can occur at the level of DNA, single cell, or whole organismRead MoreThe Cloning Of Cloning For Medical Services1586 Words   |  7 PagesCarolyn Said ´s article  ¨Here, kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty/Sausalito firm offers clones for $50,000, signs up cat owners ¨, reveals specifically in this company a person can clone their pet for $50,000, which means that cloning in general is a fairly expensive process. Carolyn ´s article mentions registered owners to clone their pets have to pay $900 plus $150 a year for maintenance. To achieve the creating of a clone, you have to practice many attempts which have a 95-98% of them failures  ¨occur either inRead MoreCloning Speech : Cloning And Cloning878 Words   |  4 Pagesbe in the in the future,animals are cloned all the time.Does the human race want to have a copy of itself. We need to understand what is happening to the cloned animals and w hat could possibly happen to us if we were to be cloned. Cloning has been around for years from 1938 by Hans Spemann to 1997 when Dolly the cloned sheep was made. Why should we care that cloning is bad? Cloning can have many complications before in the womb, during, and after. Why should we take those risks? The cost of cloningRead More Reproducibility Of Man Essay1245 Words   |  5 Pages1969, I am sure he didn’t expect it to parallel the arguments of today’s discussions on the ethics of cloning. In the short shadow of the replication of Dolly the sheep, and five little piglets from Virginia comes the discussion on if this practice should really be allowed, and if so, what limits do you set? How can you look in the eyes of people who have had there family members pass away because the cloning of pigs for their organs have been outlawed. But what do you say when it comes to the questionRead MoreThe term cloning describes a number of different processes that can be used to produce genetically900 Words   |  4 PagesCl oning is a very controversial theme now in days that’s everybody should be informed about it. The majority of the people doesn’t know anything about the subject and do not have the knowledge to make an opinion about it. Cloning animals may be very helpful for the society, our kids and new generations. Examples, the different ways how artificial cloning works and the two main types of cloning happens are important facts everyone should know. The two main types of cloning are natural cloning and artificial

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