Thursday, May 21, 2020

Steroids in Major League Baseball - 800 Words

Steroids in Major League Baseball Anabolic steroids have been abused by Major League Baseball players for years, it’s time to forever ban the use of Performance Enhancing Drugs before they ruin America’s past time. Why should athletes be able to cheat when teammates or rivals are competing with honest effort? Every year records are broken and new heights are achieved, the game of baseball is very simple yet very humble, and to deceive the game you love, forever will you be punished. Let me inform you with the origin in which PEDs were first used and where they came from, regulation, and a possible solution. Testosterone use goes back as far as 1889. Pud Galvin, a pitcher for the Pittsburgh Alleghenys used a testosterone hormone†¦show more content†¦Between 1998 and 2009 ten players would join the 500 club. The game was making an uprising, but was it truthful? Obviously not much changed from before and after illegalization of steroid use. Of those ten pla yers between 98’ and 09’ six players were Performance-enhancing drug related. Baseball is not the game everyone remembers a century ago or even half a century, with honest players playing for the love of the game, not cutting corners and taking undeserved achievements. In 1990 Congress passed the Anabolic Steroids Control Act, but didn’t say how the offenders would be caught. â€Å"The next year MLB Commissioner Fay Vincent made it clear in a memo that this was very much relevant to baseball.†(Rymer) The memo read as follows: â€Å"The possession, sale or use of any illegal drug or controlled substance by Major League players and personnel is strictly prohibited. Major League players or personnel involved in the possession, sale or use of any illegal drug or controlled substance are subject to discipline by the Commissioner and risk permanent expulsion from the game†¦ This prohibition applies to all illegal drugs and controlled substances, inclu ding steroids or prescription drugs for which the individual in possession of the drug does not have a prescription.†(ESPN) Every player whoShow MoreRelatedSpeech On Steroids And Major League Baseball1638 Words   |  7 Pagesin Major League history. However, this record is controversial, due to steroid use. B. Thesis: Today I am going to persuade you all about the use of steroids in Major League Baseball, persuading you why steroids should not be allowed in Major League Baseball. I have a call to action for all of you to help others if they are considering using steroids, and next time you watch a MLB game to realize the impact of steroids. C. 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